Registration open until 23 March
A 6-month journey to deepen into your feminine essence, embodiment & walking the path of the womb and heart, and the Priestess.
for the women feeling the deep call to live a sacred, feminine-lead life rooted in ceremony, ritual & sacred feminine arts and become anchored in their path, beauty & wisdom.

February – July 2025 | Zürich

Sacred Spiral is a 6-month journey of deepening, learning and un-learning for women ready and yearning to step foot on the path of the Priestess. Simple feminine practice, women's circles & practice without embodiment is no longer enough for you – you desire to devote yourself to the feminine path.
In this cycle will be working with the energy of the year of the wood snake, the serpent that is asking us for the divine feminine energy to rise. You are here because you want to contribute to this rising: within you and without.
We'll dive deep into feminine practice and rituals, letting shakti energy rise and starting to embody the Priestess: she who is in tune with nature, with all that is, she who is devoted to the feminine path, attuned to her own wisdom, strength, beauty and love. You will be guided to anchor into your unique path, led by heart and womb.
Sacred Spiral is a heart-felt invitation and opening, a chalice of experience, learning and un-learning for women on the feminine path.
You've joined women's circles, you've done your womb meditation, you have a spiritual or Yogic practice. And you want more.
You want to return to the tides of feminine nature, to your blood and bone, to the truth and wisdom in it all.
You desire to fully and truly walk the path of the Priestess, the womb & heart and life a feminine-led, sacred life.
Ritual and ceremony are calling you, and you want to go way deeper. In communion with your feminine nature.

Calling the woman
You are feeling the deep calling to deepen into your feminine essence, womb & heart
You desire to live a sacred, feminine-led life
You desire to deepen your knowledge of ritual, ceremony and feminine arts
You want to connect more to your true nature as a woman & reconnect to your cyclical self
You are called to dive deeper into ancient wisdom, nature as a teacher & mysticism
The Priestess Path is calling you and you desire to follow that call
You are looking for a way to go even more deeply into your spiritual journey
You are ready to integrate the way of the Priestess into how you live your life
You yearn for a community of like-minded women to connect with on your journey
Registration open until 23 March
Focus Areas
The Women’s Practice & Study Group works in a structured, yet open and feminine-led way: We do have a curriculum, that is yet able to respond to the needs of the group.
Great Mother 🌱🌀 Attuning to nature and living in tune and devotion to her, whilst creating deeper understanding of your feminine nature & cyclical being
Sacred Feminine Ritual & Ceremony 🌹🕯 Deepen your ceremonial knowledge and learn to create a sacred, nourishing daily life
Walking the path of the womb & heart ⚜️🌹Finding your unique expression and Path of feminine remembrance, experession & embodiment
Balancing masculine & feminine 🗡🦢 Finding inner union and exploring healthy masculine energy to deepen into your feminine
Sovereignity, standing into your light and healing unintegrated aspects

Our in-person sessions are core of this offering, held by monthly tools, practices & rituals to guide you deeper.
Practices we’ll explore:
🌹 Ancient Rituals that honor nature, the elements, the Great Mother & feminine mystery
🌹 Womb work, healing & deepening
🌹 Feminine embodiment, sacred dance, non-linear movement, Kundalini activation
🌹 Spiritual heart exploration & deepening into the love you are
🌹 Tao-Tantric practices to become artful with energy, activate deeper radiance and tapping into the energy of oneness
🌹 Priestess rites of passage & healing of blockages
🌹 Ceremony & Sacred Feminine Arts
& much more, dependent on the group
2025 Cycle
Priestess Path Study Group
6 Months of Practice & Study Group
Monthly In-Person Session, 2 hours each
Monthly Teaching Video, pre-recorded
Monthly Coaching & Deepening Call, live
Weekly Micro-Practices for your deepening, integration & accountability
Sessions are held in Zürich, Studio will be communicated to participants. Some sessions are also held outside in nature.
Language: (Swiss-)German and/or English
Minimum participants: 4 | Maximum: 10
Pricing & Investment
CHF 180 per month
Pay in full: CHF 972 (10% off)
In-Person Sessions
Sunday, 23 February
Sunday, 23 March
Sunday, 13 April
Sunday, 18 May
Sunday, 22 June
Sunday, 13 July
Registration is open until 23 March, you get immediate access to the material of the first month with your sign up.
You have experience in either feminine embodiment, womb & heart work or in attending women’s circles: You are familiar with practices that connect you to the body and the heart – this will not be taught
You have a foundational spiritual practice (any backgrounds are welcome)
You desire to truly deepen into those teachings and are ready to invest your time and honor the time of everyone involved
You are ready to integrate the teachings into your everyday life
You can join the in-person sessions, they are the heart of this offering
Common questions
Bis wann kann ich mich noch anmelden?Anmeldeschluss ist der 23. März. Da findet die 2. In-Person Session statt, an der du dabei sein kannst. Du bekommst sofort Zugriff zum Material des ersten Monates, in das du dich jederzeit vertiefen kannst.
Wie viel Zeit braucht mich Spiral Deeper?Spiral Deeper ist eine Einladung an dich, dich auf dem Pfad der Priesterin zu vertiefen. Du kannst an allen In-Person Sessions teilnehmen, diese sind das Kernstück. Inwieweit du dich dann in das Material, welches dir zur Vertiefung und Übung zur Verfügung steht, vertiefst, ist dir überlassen. Minimal-Investment: 2 Stunden pro Monat. Maximal Investment: So viel, wie du möchtest, tägliche Praxis mit meinen Impulsen und Aufnahmen.
Ich bin mir nicht sicher ob jetzt der richtige Zeitpunkt istDer Pfad der Priesterin ist kein einfacher, und jede Frau wird an einem, oder mehreren, Punkten ins Zögern kommen. Spiral Deeper ist hier für die Frauen die bereit sind, tiefer zu gehen und JETZT tief in uralte Weisheiten des Weiblichen eintauchen, sich als Frau besser verstehen und nähren, und ein sacred Life leben möchten. Du fühlst den tiefen Ruf, und bist bereit ihm jetzt zu folgen.
Wann findet der nächste Durchgang statt?Der nächste Durchgang ist aufgrund meiner Babypause nicht geplant. The time is now.
Wie viel Erfahrung muss ich haben?Du hast bereits in Women's Circles gesessen, eine Avalon Reise unternommen oder Feminine Embodiment Übungen gemacht. Du musst definitiv kein Profi sein, aber Grundkenntnisse sind mitzubringen.